Plans Archive
Historic Nevada initiatives, plans and task forces
Initiatives, Coalitions and Task Forces
Multiple agencies and community groups throughout the state of Nevada have come together to offer different initiatives with the goal of reducing the number of new HIV infections.
Open the toggles below to learn more.
Faith-Based Intervention
What is Faith-Based Intervention?
Nevada is home to over 1,650 congregations that desire to help people in need. These Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) are attended by two-thirds of Nevadans each month and have immense resources, volunteers and goodwill. Faith-Based interventions are strategic programs that honor religious beliefs while partnering with FBOs to address health concerns and disparities.
What is a Health Disparity?
Despite prevention efforts, some groups of people are affected by health issues like HIV/AIDS more than other groups of people. The occurrence of this disease at greater levels among certain population groups more than others is referred to as a health disparity. Differences may occur by gender, race or ethnicity, education, income, disability, geographic location and sexual orientation among others. Social determinants of health like poverty, unequal access to healthcare, lack of education, stigma and racism are linked to health disparities.
What is Nevada Doing to Help?
The Nevada Office of HIV/AIDS has developed the Nevada Faith-Based Intervention Plan to partner with congregations in Nevada. We’ve studied all known Faith-Based Organizations and have crafted interventions that reduce health disparities and honor the beliefs of congregations.
The heart of the plan is to build a Coalition of faith-leaders to address health disparities in the African-American and Latino communities. We know the only way to effectively partner to address issues like HIV is to empower pastors and leaders with the support, resources and guidance we can provide.
Nevada Faith-Based Intervention Plan
Here at the Nevada Office of HIV and AIDS, we understand congregations play a central role in the lives of our residents. As a pastor, I understand the potential our faith-based organizations have in addressing health epidemics that can lead to racial disparity.
We spent a year studying and building a plan to partner with congregations to address issues like HIV/AIDS that create disparity. We believe empowering and partnering with congregations is key to ending health inequity for African Americans and Latinos. Please consider reading the Nevada Faith-Based Intervention Plan and joining this partnership.
If you have any questions concerning the Faith-Based Intervention Plan, please contact the person(s) below:
Tory Johnson, MMgt
Section Manager, Office of HIV
Congregation Directory
2019 Nevada Ryan White Summit
The three day Ryan White Provider Summit took place January 28-30th and was designed to promote workforce development, with a focus on service integration, training and networking among Ryan White grantees and HIV prevention providers in Nevada. The conference featured expert faculty presenting topics including the integration of prevention and care, the Nevada HIV Care Continuum and the role of Ryan White in Getting to Zero, your role in the Nevada Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan, addressing the opioid epidemic in Nevada, programmatic and fiscal updates from Ryan White Parts A, B and CDC-funded HIV Prevention, and much more.
Below you can find the resources and handouts available for the three days.
Day One: January 28, 2019
Opening Keynote, Integration of Prevention and Care by Harold Phillips, MRP
Plenary- Nevada Care Continuum and the Role of Ryan White in Getting to Zero by Rosanne Sugay, MD
Plenary- Where Are They Now: HIV Epidemiology in Nevada by Kellie Ducker
RWPB Care/ADAP Update by Tory Johnson, M. Thomas Blissett, Tony Garcia, and Vanessa Caceres
RWPF: AETC and SOGI Terminology by Jennifer Bennett, PhD, and Mary Karls, MPH
Quality Collaborators by Jon Basillio, MPH and Samantha Penn, MBA
Plenary- Integrated Plan by Elizabeth Christensen, PhD, Alisha Barrett, MPA, Tory Johnson, MMgt, Jan Richardson, RN, Irene Rose, MPH, Karen Gordon, MBA, Jennifer Bennett, PhD, and Lyell Collins, MBA
Plenary- Your Role in the Nevada Integrated Plan– IHPCP Monitoring Workgroup by Elizabeth Christensen, PhD, Kelly Morning, MPH, and Mary Karls, MPH
Day Two: January 29, 2019
Plenary- Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in Nevada
Plenary- PEP & PREP Update by Rob Phoenix, APRN
RWPB Fiscal Update- Mandatory for RWPB Administrators and Fiscal Managers by Tory Johnson, MMgt, and Karen Long
Imposition of Charges by Alisha Barrett, MPA
Prevention Program: U=U From Science to Practice by Tim Vincent
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Training AETC by Jenifer Bennett, PhD and Mary Karls, MPH
So/GI Responding to Challenging Questions
Plenary- Strategies for Addressing HIV Stigma by Cheryl Radeloff, PhD and HIV Positive panelists (Presentation not available.)
Day Three: January 30, 2019
Plenary- Getting to Zero in Nevada by DeAnn Gruber, PhD
Trauma- Informed Care by Matt Bennett, MA, MBA
Population Focus: Substance Users- Syringe Exchange Services: A Closer Look at Harm Reduction by Brendan Dalton and Harm Reduction and Stigma by Jennifer Gratzke, MPH
Getting to Zero Workgroup by DeAnn Gruber, PhD and Jennifer Bennett, PhD (Presentation not available.)
Plenary- The Future of HIV Care in Nevada by Trudy Larson, MD
Cultural Humility: A Framework for Creating Transgender Inclusive Spaces by Shawn Demmons, MPH
Statement from the Office of HIV/AIDS Program Manager.
2021 Senate Bill (SB275) HIV Task Force
2021 Senate Bill (SB275) creates the Advisory Task Force on HIV Exposure Modernization appointed by the Governor. This bill requires the Task Force to conduct a comprehensive examination during the 2021-2022 legislative interim of the statutes and regulations in this State related to the criminalization of exposing a person to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This bill requires the Task Force to submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Legislative Counsel Bureau not later than September 1, 2022.
Additional Information at: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/81st2021/Bill/7864/Overview
Task Force Report:
Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo
Director, Legislative Counsel Bureau
2019 Senate Bill (SB284) HIV Task Force
2019 Senate Bill (SB284) creates the Advisory Task Force on HIV Exposure Modernization appointed by the Governor. This bill requires the Task Force to conduct a comprehensive examination during the 2019-2020 legislative interim of the statutes and regulations in this State related to the criminalization of exposing a person to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This bill requires the Task Force to submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Legislative Counsel Bureau not later than September 1, 2020.
Additional Information at: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/80th2019/Bill/6502/Text
Substance Abuse HIV Testing
The Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment Agency (SAPTA) HIV Testing Program assists SAPTA State-certified residential and/or transitional treatment facilities in offering rapid HIV testing at treatment locations. This supports the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) by reducing HIV incidence, increasing access to care and optimizing health outcomes, and reducing HIV-related health disparities. It also supports Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) initiative to expand early intervention services for HIV by funding certified residential and/or transitional treatment facilities to offer rapid HIV testing (including confirmatory and diagnostic testing), HIV risk reduction education, linkages to care, and other ancillary services.