HIV Surveillance & Prevention
Promoting health and reducing both the impact and incidence of HIV in Nevada
Know for sure if you have HIV, get tested
Find free testing locations near you
Test yourself at home
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
Post Exposure Prophylaxis
Public meetings
Reports and facts from the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health
Our Mission and Vision
Guided by the principles of public health and social justice, our mission is to promote health and reduce both the impact and incidence of HIV by working in partnership with other agencies and diverse community groups.

Nevada and the Nation
According to AIDSVu, an interactive online map illustrating HIV prevalence in the United States, the number of people living with diagnosed HIV living in Nevada in 2021 was 11,416. In 2021, there were 501 new HIV diagnoses. The Centers for Disease Control states in the Nevada State Health Profile that Nevada ranked 21st in the nation for number of HIV diagnoses in 2015.
This map from AIDSVu highlights the counties in Nevada with highest HIV prevalence.
For more information on state- and county-level HIV/AIDS data, visit AIDSVu.
The Centers for Disease Control hosts a wealth of information about HIV Prevention including:
Visit the CDC’s website to learn more about these and other important HIV topics.
The only way to know for sure whether you have HIV is to get tested. The CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care. Knowing your HIV status gives you powerful information to help you take steps to keep you and your partner healthy.
If you have any questions concerning the HIV Surveillance and Prevention Program, please contact us using the emails below:
Surveillance Program
Prevention Program